Monday, June 11, 2007

APPLE In Progress

First Art Post!!
I figure that if i don't start soon, then i might never start, and this site will last for around one month and ill never update it again.
All due to my good friend Mr P aka Mr Procrastinate.
Anyway, I'm trying to improve my painting skills, since it is essential for a concept artist to be an expert in Painting, Drawing and more which include superb knowledge in lighting, tonal value, anatomy, skills in character design, originality...etc.....
So i think its better to start simple, REAL simple, so..Apple appears...
now it is still in W.I.P.
But hopefully, the end result will be just like the one next to it, I'm trying to paint a realistic apple.

Ok..its late now...i better head to my bath room, then to my bed soon...otherwise 50 push up will be waiting for me and my team mates tomorrow.


chuanya said...


Alex said...

Yo nicly done, keep up the good work and practice practice practice .......

RobinThx said...

Hi~ And Thanks for reading my blog.
Hopefully il have more time to update.
Nice to see you here chuan ya.
and which alex are you? hongwei?

cao said...

muahahahahahahahahahaha wht politics? muahahahahahahaha

RobinThx said...

Alot La, So Vex!!ARGH!!!
F*&K,HEck CAre! ORD! ORD! ORD! ORD! ORD! ORD! ORD!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice To see you here, haha Im going to add your blog in my frens blog list.